sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2010

Disturbing tightness Xo

So i would just like to talk about this topic... tight pants! NOW... i am a user and abuser and i love to wear my tight pants, but i would like to point out this, which is what bothers me about this fashion... the ideia of the tight pants is to highlight you´re leg´s structure and to give it more figure (may i remind you that im talking about men wearing these pants), but is it really necessary to steal youre sister´s pants?! I mean seriously! Fashion designers already make tight pants for men and unisex, so i dont understand why these hardcore kids go as far as too go to stores like Strativarius, or H&M and go to the women section and buy pants there! When you do this you are not being hardcore people! You are just taking a page from some certain people we have no pacience for...thats right...EMO´S!!!!:

Understand kids... buy youre shit in the mens section, or just buy unisex pants and you´ll be ok! But if i catch you with youre sisters pants, i will kick you in the balls so hard that youre voice will turn you worthy of such pants! >:C

domingo, 24 de outubro de 2010

Music Sundays a-go-go

Sorry i didnt praticly say anything about a lot this week but... i´ll make it up to you in the future im that kind of guy x3

domingo, 17 de outubro de 2010

U know what it is... MUSIC SUNDAYZ!

Suicide Silence

Everytime I Die

As I Lay Dying

Devil In Me

Toca a esta terça a gente ir toda ao Cais de Sodré invadir a Music box pois estes meninos Devil In me vão tar lá a apresentar o novo álbum, com o apoio de Reality Slap e Hills Have Eyes, o evento irá começar ás 21:00 e a entrada custa 10 euros com a oferta do álbum á porta!

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010

This blog is famous now x3

A female member from the canadian band Your Favorite Enemies just passed by this blog and just told me on myspace how cool she thought the blog was! To that lovely lady and the band i send hugs for showing such care on a stranger and a person that can become a fan. We need more people like you guys! ^^

domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010


I have battled against Ahhnold these last days, and i can say it was a TRULY EPIC fight, i wish i had the camera so you all could see it but being that there still arent many people comin over i skipped that. At the end i sent him in California in time to bring you Music Sunday!

Austrian Death Machine

Cancer Bats

Stray from the path


Enjoy :3

quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

Ahhnold Shwazznegger is a forgotten icon

I just seriously would like to remind everyone just how much of a badass this man was and how (of course) a band reminded me of such! An Austrian-American, entitled as Mr.Universe and Mr.Olympia 7 times, suprisingly one of the most asked for actors in history (for some reason), and the "Governator" (hahah funny Terminator joke HA HA)...of the state of California (for some other reason i dunnot know). So...for a guy with this much on his hands... and for giving us the upmost pleasure to witness Terminator II ... why was he forggotten? Damn you kids, i swear to god i will... i will... NNNEEEAAAAAHHHHH!!!
YES, it iz true! I am Arnold! I took over the computar of this "GAWD" charecter and now AI contrrol the youth! WORRSHIP MII! LLHALLHALLHAL!

segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010

Music Sunday


There it is! Youre second round :3 sorry im late i didnt have access to my computer on the day e também foi a noite em que apareceu a estreia da casa dos segredos e tenho tado á espera de um reality show há anos!! (and just one thing... Mr.Lima i would like to remind you that im not going over to youre blogs correcting over a thousand gramatical errors or reminding you of previous messages that you promised to do in such and such day and you failed to soo let´s leave at that! ;3