domingo, 10 de outubro de 2010


I have battled against Ahhnold these last days, and i can say it was a TRULY EPIC fight, i wish i had the camera so you all could see it but being that there still arent many people comin over i skipped that. At the end i sent him in California in time to bring you Music Sunday!

Austrian Death Machine

Cancer Bats

Stray from the path


Enjoy :3

3 comentários:

  1. how about a shout out for me for showing you the awesome band that is STRAY FROM THE PATH!

  2. A BIG SHOUT OUT FOR MY HOMEBOY LIMA for hitting me with the freshness that is Stray from the Path XD ty dude :3

  3. cool blog. I post about music(mostly METAL but not always) and movies on my my blog if you want to check it out.
